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    September 2021 marks 204 years since the birth of Izannah Walker. Surely the master could not even imagine that in 160 years, somewhere in distant Russia, they would love, appreciate and try to repeat her dolls. It is unlikely that she thought that her heroines would live such a long life, go through the centuries and be desired and ...
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    Reflections on bespoke work, cost and the role of the doll in art. "If the dolls disappear, no one will notice". That's the title of a piece I wrote, which provoked a lot of discussion and comment. The phrase was said by a person who wanted to order a portrait doll, but was not prepared to pay the advertised price. By the way, a very reasonable price. After a long and ...
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     This year on the 20th of October Varvara Skripkina's Doll's Gallery turned 18 years old! The date is special - it's our 18th birthday :)! In 2003 - the first and still permanent Gallery in the city ! Always be nice to everyone! It might be a disguised angel! I understood the meaning of this phrase in 2003 when I opened the first and only art gallery of ...
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    In this video, I will show you the process of casting doll parts from Fluo's casting clay into plaster molds, followed by their processing. Before starting work, the clay must be filtered through a sieve. The clay itself is white. It can be tinted with acrylic paints to obtain a flesh tint. I spray the plaster molds with water, connect them with an elastic band I pour the clay into the molds and wait ...
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    Virginie Ropars was born in north-west France, Brittany, in 1976. The young Virginie first expressed her creative universe through drawing. Trained as a graphic designer, she worked as a 2D/3D graphic artist in the video games and animation television series. Soon the idea of moulding characters with her own hands completely captivated the artist. Her magical, feminine ...
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    In this video I will show you how to remove the plaster mold from the head of a Fluo doll. Before starting work, cover the doll's head with acrylic varnish. Then we determine into how many parts we will divide the future mold for casting. Determine where the seams will be. We circle the joints-seams with an indelible marker and prepare plasticine for the formwork of the head We grease the detail of the head with a fat cream, for further ...
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    According to the observations of psychologists, doctors and parents, the doll helps the child to recover. It has been proven that playing with a doll develops memory, natural abilities, speech and imagination. Through the doll, the child is freed from his negative emotions. It is not for nothing that at present there are many master classes with children on creating a doll. Along with ordinary children, children with special needs learn to make a doll. ...
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    On October 7, a unique exhibition of dolls and teddy bears by the "Bridges" dollmakers' association, titled "Time, Forward!", opened at the Museum of St. Petersburg Avant-Garde on the Petrograd side. The creative legacy of the Russian avant-garde has always been a source of inspiration for contemporary artists working in all fields of art - painting, drawing, architecture, and decorative and applied arts. Masters of the Russian avant-garde created an artistic language that is used ...
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    Addition to the master class on the Wabi-sabi doll chair. At the request of the masters, in this video I will tell you how to stitch the back of a chair for dolls, up to 30 cm high. This type of stitch is called "Carriage". We will use beads instead of buttons. We will need: Cardboard Glue Cloth Strong thread of the corresponding color and beads. Needle and scissors The video shows the sequence ...
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    Creativity is like a journey to yourself. Today we will touch upon an interesting topic that periodically arises for each author, regardless of his creative experience. Let's talk about the fears of puppeteer artists. And we will discuss this topic with the wonderful master Lilia Glushchenko. Her work "Sunny Mom" took SECOND PLACE in the competition organized by the Creative Union of Artists of the DPI section of the Author's Doll, "My Cosmos". Lilia says: “I want ...