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    Forest Rogers is an unrivalled master of Fantasy&Horror dolls. Her figurative sculptures seem incredibly realistic and evoke contradictory feelings. The sculptor has brought back wonderful memories from her childhood: for example, about how at the age of two or three she moulded a frog figure out of sand with her mother (there is even a photo of this moment on Rogers' official website). Or about the house ...
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    Personal exhibition of Elena Babkina "GOGOL TYPES" On May 13, in Ryazan, in the MUSEUM OF THE HISTORY OF YOUTH MOVEMENT, an exhibition of doll sculpture "GOGOL TYPES", created based on illustrations by Pyotr Mikhailovich Boklevsky, was opened. The exposition is timed to coincide with the 205th anniversary of the birthday of the illustrator who lived in the Ryazan province in 1816-1897. We recall with pleasure the work of a worthy citizen of our homeland, who has done so much for ...
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    Бывает ли желание сделать неидеальную куклу? Начнем с определения.  Идеал — от греческого, вид, образ, идея; высшая цель деятельности, стремлений; совершенное воплощение чего-либо. Когда художник приступает к созданию куклы, у него есть образ того, что он хочет получить в результате. Даже если этот образ неосознанный. Тут стоит уточнить: художник  делает по собственному замыслу и желанию. ...
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       Illustration as inspiration ... While still a student at the Ryazan Art School named after G.K. Wagner many years ago, it was a pleasant discovery for me that Pyotr Mikhailovich Boklevsky, an illustrator, was born, worked and was buried on the Ryazan land. The greatest Master of drawing and watercolors, a subtle and sensitive artist, deep, straightforward (and therefore with a complex character), ...
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    The largest doll exhibition in the world. The largest exhibition in the world was held in the historical center of the Russian capital "Gostiny Dvor". More than 1000 masters from 26 countries of the world took part in the unique exhibition "The Art of Dolls". Visitors are presented with tens of thousands of exhibits. Guests of the exhibition saw the whole variety of dolls: classics, experimental collections of contemporary artists, porcelain, soft, articulated dolls. Toys ...
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    A new project. How we long for sunshine, warmth, beauty, love and delight in works of art! Many of you have probably already repeated this phrase many times in different interpretations and forms. Yes, we miss the wonderful positive emotions. And that's why the Doll Section of the Creative Union of Decorative and Applied Arts presents its new project "Bella Italia"! The project will be shown ...
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    The world of dolls is very interesting and multifaceted. Once you plunge into it, you stay there forever. Today I want to tell you about people who collect whole collections of wonderful dolls. This hobby is called Plangonology. It's not just about antique, unique, wooden or porcelain dolls. Nowadays, there is such a variety of copyright, made in a single copy, or publicly available plastic ...