Tag: кукла
Treasures from "Grandma's Chest"
Report from the Dolls and Costume Exhibition in Livadia (Republic of Crimea) The Grand Opening Ceremony of the National Costume Festival-contest "Babushkin Chest" was held at the Crimean Ethnographic Museum in Simferopol, 24 November 2021. The halls of the museum hosted a rich collection of Crimean craftsmen, featuring over two hundred exhibits reflecting national colors of the peoples of Crimea. The creative project was implemented by the Centre of Folk Arts and Crafts at ... -
New Year's miracle in your hands
Many people know the thrill of looking forward to the New Year when they open a box of carefully stacked fragile treasures - Christmas decorations. The Christmas tree is both a symbol of the festive season and a wonderful occasion to bring the family together in a common creative activity. Everyone, without exception, likes making Christmas decorations. This family tradition is hundreds of years old. The process of creation is enjoyable, beautiful and fascinating. It gives both children and ... -
Master Class. We form the body of the doll. Part 3
In this video, I will show you how to shape the doll's body. Materials: braided copper wire, molar tape, napkins, Moment Crystal glue. Before starting work, I think over a beautiful pose of the doll. I twist a wire frame, form a loop in it for the spring that connects the doll's head. I recruit the shape of the body from molar tape. I paste over the resulting figure with cloth napkins, cut into ribbons. I apply ... -
In the footsteps of the artel doll
Where did the concept and what is an arty doll come from? They were created in artels at the beginning of the twentieth century. Today, it is the common name used by craftsmen who recreate such beauties. An arty doll is not a maiden from the mantle and certainly not a Barbie. It is our history, captured by the doll artists of the 1920s. A huge, amazing variety of types and some special, peculiarly Russian ... -
Angels lit up the museum
On November 18, on the embankment of the Griboyedov Canal, 93 Rimsky-Korsakov Avenue, a small and cosy museum of St. Petersburg Angels was opened in Kolomna, a favoured area for artists. The museum is a memorial flat, where two remarkable puppet artists Roman Shustrov and his wife Maria Kasyanenko, who left us recently, lived and worked: Roman a year ago, Maria just over half a year. Roman is known as the author of puppet sculpture. Many ... -
Graceful Perfection
Today we will talk about the art doll master Natalia Lopusova-Tomskaya. Seeing the artist's works, you are amazed at the elegance and impeccability of their execution. An inexperienced viewer will not immediately determine what material they are made of: porcelain, wood, bone? Natalia's works amaze with the harmony of elongated proportions, smoothly curving, "flowing" lines. The future artist was born and raised in Moscow. Back at school, I was carried away by the creation of dolls ... -
Master Class. Miniature hedgehog fish
In this video I will tell you how to make a miniature fish with your own hands, using simple and accessible materials. Materials and Tools Required: Deodorant ball Tin foil Wire for loops Tissues Toothpicks Acrylic paint PVA Glue (polyvinyl acetate) Glue Moment Thermal Gun Needle Scissors Pencil Brushes Simple The first step - remove the ball from deodorant and washed with soap. From the foil ... -
Emotional and funny characters of Karen Baker
Karen Baker was born in California, Redondo Beach. Her parents, very talented people, raised seven children. Mom is a wonderful artist, seamstress and musician, my father was a master carpenter and played great musical instruments. Living in a large, friendly family, Karen received toys, mainly by "inheritance", hence the desire to remodel and improve them with her own hands. Karen loved to sew clothes, ... -
Dolls of Adolf Weslicenus
Wooden ball-shaped hinges for doll production were invented in France. Large German trading houses, which had their own branches in Paris, followed the appearance of new dolls. They bought and studied interesting specimens, especially in terms of production costs. Quite often, after a few weeks, a similar doll went on sale, at a much lower cost than the original. Adolf Wieslizenus, a manufacturer from Waltershausen ... -
This percussion instrument, although a toy, but sounds. I used natural leather as a membrane. For work we need: -small jar of chips; - medium density cardboard, a piece of white leather or a substitute; - glue "Moment-crystal", 2 beads, 2 wooden skewers; -scissors, measuring tape, pencil; -acrylic and oil paints, brush, foam sponge; - awl, matte varnish, nippers; -thin satin ...
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
TOP 100 Daily Doll 2023
TOP 100 Daily Doll 2023