Tag: художественная кукла
Miniaturitalia trade fair 2023
After a two-year break, the 17th edition of the fair - Miniaturitalia - will take place on 1 and 2 April 2023 in Milan, in the cosy halls of the StarHotel business Palace. Miniaturitalia is the only fair in Italy entirely dedicated to dollhouse miniatures. More than 70 exhibitors from different countries will present their new works, materials and tools for creativity. A large space will be dedicated to art dolls and ... -
Hyperrealism by Ron Mueck
Sculptor Ron Mueck works in a style of hyper-realism that aims to depict the world not just authentically, but super similar and super real. Ron Mueck grew up in Melbourne and began his career in puppet theatre and special effects. He first worked as a creative director for Australian children's television before moving to America to work in film and advertising there. ... . -
Master show in foot modelling by Julianne Lepine
Here is a master show on sculpting the foot by Julianne Lepine. Modelling the foot is no less important in the creation of figurative sculpture than modelling the hand or head. You begin to realise this when you conceive an image inspired by an epic or myth. Barefoot goddess in fine clothes can be as beautiful as terrible, if her naked foot is moulded with faults, .... -
DDNEWS' March choice: In memory of Dustin Roshe
Dustin Roche, a talented artist and author of dolls, whose work has won acclaim and love all over the world, has passed away. He created original images that were unique, the author was unlike anyone else. In the dolls of Dustin Roche you see a reflection of his life stories, the rich inner world of the master. The artist found his inspiration in his love for antique ... -
Marilyn Radzat dolls
Marilyn Radzat is an avid collector of antique treasures, from 1800's fabrics and trim to vintage memorabilia. Marilyn is inspired by this to incorporate antique items into her Fantasy style author dolls. A handwritten page from a French magazine from 1882, a rusty key, a bridal net from the turn of the last century, and beadwork handmade hundreds of years ago all come together ... -
Sylvia Weser porcelain dolls
Artist, doll maker Sylvia Weser was born and lived in Germany. Her dolls have many awards - the best doll in Europe, awards in several Eurodoll nominations. Even in her youth she was interested in art and took up painting and sculpture. Her love for dolls started with collecting. When Sylvia made her first clay and plasticine dolls she realised that ... -
DDNEWS' pick of the month of December: THE ART OF THE PUPPET exhibition
XIII Moscow International Exhibition ART OF THE PUPPET 9-11 December 2022 Gostiny Dvor, 4 Ilyinka Str. The exhibition is organized by the Cultural Foundation "WORLD CUPPETS" Website: artkukly.rf The universe of archaic and the archaic meta-universe. The exhibition of 2022 will go down in history as an event of a planetary scale - the demonstration to the general public of the world's first neural network puppets! Why is this presentation unique and super-sensational? We are all ... -
Stran[w]hen Julien Martinez dolls
Julien Martinez is a contemporary French artist, a graduate of the Bordeaux School of Fine Arts, specialising in sculpture, miniature, design and incarnation of Blythe, Pullip, Dal, Toffee, BJD and antique dolls. The Bordeaux-born artist has a knack for creating melancholy characters with red eyes, disheveled hair and decadent clothing; blending aristocratic and country life in 19th century France to reflect the loneliness of human ... -
Lesley Gail Keeble dolls
Lesley Gail Keeble works with self-hardening clay and paper papier-mâché, while textiles play a major role in the creation of her dolls. Her dolls are far from the academic norms of plastic anatomy, but the more lively and welcoming they are to the viewer. The creator goes forward without looking back, he ignores the opinion of critics and vain "philosophers", putting above all the process of creation and immersion ... -
Premiere doll. Sophie mold Roxy202201.
The author of the doll "Sophie mould Roxy202201" Shvartsman Inna - member of the professional union of authors of art dolls UNIDIA Movable articulated doll. The work is made in a single copy. Materials - polyurethane, angora goat. 35.5 cm @schvartsman.dolls
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
TOP 100 Daily Doll 2023
TOP 100 Daily Doll 2023