Meet Elena Fomicheva!
"I made my very first doll in 2011 when my daughter was in art school. She had a subject on creating author's dolls. I had a taste of this art form then. It turned out to be terribly fascinating. But to begin with, it was a good idea to acquire knowledge in this field. Which I did with enthusiasm.
Since 2015, she has taken up dolls seriously. The children grew up and matured, my husband mastered the independent search for food in the refrigerator, I had time! ?
By that time, enough information about the doll business and its nuances had accumulated in my head. And I already knew almost all the brilliant masters and their works. With many now I have the honor of being a member of the Union of Artists.
I was lucky that my previous professions were all related to creativity and art. I was not a nuclear physicist, aircraft designer, surgeon ... Therefore, there was no sudden change in activity. Nobody was surprised. Me too.
I didn't even think about exhibitions, Tanya Shamrai encouraged me to attend them. There I met Nina Radzikhovskaya. She is smart with us, with clear eyes, she will always support, tell everything, prompt.
I won't say that everything is easy for me and muses fly to me in flocks. All my achievements are the result of hard work.I work every day. Seven days a week. At some point, my family lost me, I had to stay and dose my activities.
Constant learning brings me special pleasure. I'm greedy for new information. :)
A little bit different about myself:
? "Introvert with the manners of an informal leader (C)".
? I love to work at night. Around it is quiet and deserted. During the day, my beloved family, friends and cats distract me, trying to break through the zone of my creativity.
I can't work quickly, I make a doll on average 1.5-2 months.
? I look cute, because the ascendant is in my scales).
Impostor Syndrome is an enemy I know by sight.
?Last year she won the Pandora Prize (thanks and hurray!).
?Dotoshna, I can start anew almost finished work.
? I don’t teach and do not teach any microns.
?My pumped side is self-discipline.
? I almost always get sick at exhibitions, but I still hope to stop doing it).
And of course, I love dolls! You understand me! ?
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