XI Moscow International Exhibition "Doll Art"

New dates for the XI International Exhibition "The Art of Dolls" in Gostiny Dvor: February 19-21, 2021.
Looking at the situation optimistically, we propose to perceive this the transfer of the exhibition as a gift of fate in the form of 2 additional months to complete and supplement their expositions. After all, everyone knows that the artist always lacks a few days before the exhibition! This time you will be able not only to realize your plans for the exhibition, but also to make new works. And for those who did not have time to apply before December, now there is an opportunity to register their participation in February.
We still understand that, most likely, it will not be possible for our foreign participants to arrive even in February, so we are now developing modern formats of virtual participation. For more than 20 years we have been working at real exhibition sites, having studied their rules and mechanisms. Now we together with you will learn to work in new conditions, mastering the Internet as a super-tool that allows our creative community to live and develop! With some incredible speed and passion, we master huge blocks of information, experiencing delight and joy that the wildest fantasies, it turns out, are possible; and when one door closes, several others open! We want to light you up with this goosebumps inspiring feeling of freedom!
The needs of people during the pandemic have not changed - most of us still need beauty, art, creativity. And it will always be so!
We have already prepared many new special projects and hundreds of author's exhibitions with dolls and Teddy bears. The exhibition will be attended by artists from the Namdakov family, the Vakhtanov Doll Gallery, Elena Gromova Gallery, the Museum of the History of Dolls, the Creative Union of Russian Artists, associations of artists from different regions of the country, collectors of modern and antique dolls, famous artists Alexandra Kukinova, Alisa Filippova, Polina Myalovskaya, Mikhail Zaikov, Natalia Lepikhina, Alena Zhirenkina, Andrey Drozdov, Anastasia Yanovskaya, Tatyana Ovchinnikova, manufacturers of materials and accessories for dolls and Teddy bears.
December 11-13 - the days when our exhibition was supposed to take place - we invite you to a 3-day online project with the participation of famous doll artists, exhibition organizers, our collectors and exhibition friends. The Online Doll Art 2020 program will be published in our groups on social networks.
Yours faithfully and sincere friendship Tatiana Ponomareva, Lana Letta, Irina Myzina, Olga Lakhina.
More details:
Official site: www.skusstvokukly.rf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/artofdoll/
In contact with: https://vk.com/public30077358