The images of the dolls come out of thin air.
They come from read books, watched films, experienced emotions ...
I only get to work when I see a clear image. I can wait for it for a long time: a month, half a year ... Sometimes a light sketch, which you doubt to show to people, will rather lead to a finished image than a solid, well-designed sketch.
My images usually come at night or early in the morning. This is the time of the borderline state, when consciousness has not yet entered the usual rhythm.
Images flicker in the subconscious, not leaving it even when you are engaged in absolutely abstract affairs.
It is important for me to express an idea, emotion, mood in the material. I strive not only to correctly convey the mood, but to touch the soul of the viewer.
Sometimes I write poetry to dolls.
Like this couple from the "Gallant Age"
“The lady went out for a walk in her favorite summer garden
I stood by the fountain. Suddenly she caught someone's eye
Unwittingly she averted her eyes, because it is not customary to look
And the soul desires affection - you can live or die here.
He, with a leisurely gait, makes his voyage
And of course he is very happy with an accidental find.
The conversation starts flattering, everyone is looking at the young lady,
He is cheerful and carefree, but you can't joke with her.
Morals, views, upbringing, a very delicate soul ...
Confessions are not appropriate here. She is not free ... "
When I get an emotional impression from watching a ballet, a movie, a play, or a book I read, then, of course, the heroes of my works are embodied in my works.
Giselle from the ballet of the same name, or Jordan Baker from the movie "The Great Gatsby"
Today I am interested in creating works on a given topic.
The DABIDA International Competition, this year, set the theme "Reflection". I decided to take part and created the image of the young Virgin Mary.

"The Mirror of Justice" - "And Mary saw her reflection".
Mary's soul is holy and pure. It reflects the Sun of Justice, which means God's perfection and holiness. "
The most dear and beloved images are those that come by themselves.
It remains only to choose the technique, materials, fastening, accessories, hairstyle, shoes ...
And now it is a miracle! The image hovering in my mind has come true! She is exactly what she appeared to me at dawn. It was created by my imagination, experiences, ideas about beauty.
Images from childhood.
They are dear to every person. The brightest of them remain forever and accompany through life, recalling the experienced impressions.
In the early morning hours, images of the works "Unread Book" and "Morning Coffee" were born
In my works, I strive to convey to the viewer the range of feelings that I experience at the moment when the integral image has formed and already fills my soul with the joy of creativity.
Yours faithfully, Ekaterina Moskalenko.
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