Lesley Gail Keeble dolls

Lesley Gail Keeble works with self-hardening clay and paper papier-mâché, while textiles play a major role in the creation of her dolls. Her dolls are far from the academic norms of plastic anatomy, but the more lively and welcoming they are to the viewer. The creator goes forward without looking back, he ignores the opinion of critics and vain "philosophers", putting above all the process of creation and immersion in the mysteries of art.
"I got a late start in puppetry, so I forced myself to study a lot. I am interested in the figure depicted in an exaggeratedly stylised form. Colour and proportion are central to my ideas as a puppet maker, and I like to use opposites on the colour wheel to bring the costume to life for the viewer. Colour and costume are two of my strengths as a puppeteer. Form balanced by colour and texture of materials as illustrated is how I create a puppet. My dolls are an expression of my most tender heart. They are the most personal expression of my artistic soul that I have found, and I hope to be working with dolls for a long time to come..." (c) Lesley Gail Keeble
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Derek Weisberg: through art I try to answer questions
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