"Who did this?"... Johnson Tsang

"Before becoming a sculptor, I worked for the Hong Kong Police Force for 13 years."... or babies in museum showcases ...
In an article about alternative dolls, I touched on the work of a talented master from Hong Kong, Johnson Tsang (Johnson Tsang).

Father's day. 2015 year
Work artist, clearly demonstrating the plastic properties of the material from which they are created, are an example of the talent and boundless imagination of the author. Before us appear either beautiful frozen moments, or unusual surrealistic images.
The master specializes in porcelain and stainless steel ceramics and sculpture. He creates incredibly interesting works, ideas for which he takes from everyday life.
Everyone notices in the works that which is close to him.
Johnson does not like lengthy discussions about himself and his work. He believes that all the answers are visible to an attentive viewer. It is important for an artist not to impose his opinion.
The master was born and lives in Hong Kong. According to him, Eastern and Western cultures are very harmoniously intertwined in this city. Johnson admires simple, natural forms.
Beauty in simplicity is the author's favorite slogan.
Nowadays, Johnson Tsang is a very popular artist, puppeteer and sculptor. But, at the beginning of his artistic journey, things did not go smoothly. Recognition came in 1993, when his amazing, eloquent works were exhibited in halls in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Spain, Switzerland and many other countries around the world.

A little bit of Chinese zeal. year 2013
Johnson does not tolerate duplication of his work. Therefore, his unique works, if put up for sale, become an event in the life of collectors and lovers of the author's work.
Combining the features of realism and surrealism, the works of Johnson Tsang ushered in a new era of artistic porcelain.

I love you, Mom.
The author very successfully adds fantasy motifs to his images. In many works, Buddhist and Chinese stylistics are guessed. The artist's creations combine craftsmanship, an original idea and, unique to Johnson, a peculiar sense of humor.
The master creates funny little babies with very expressive facial expressions.
Tsang's favorite characters are Cupids' children. The author combines them into whole compositions. Angels cry, laugh, grimace and by any means attract attention.
One of these characters is not at all like the others. The work is dedicated to the memory of the wonderful actor Robin Williams and bears the expressive title "I got a new job!" (I've Got a New Job!). The image of an angel is laconic in form and color scheme. The emphasis is placed only on the blue eyes of the character.

I got a new job.

"Thank you, Robin, for the joy you have brought us all these years with your films! You are now a true angel who continues to bring laughter to heaven."
"Break the rules"...
Johnson Tsang recounts ...
"When I was invited to the Heritage Museum to participate in an exhibition on masterpieces of Chinese antiquity, I was inspired by the idea of a non-trivial display of a classic exhibition."
I wondered: how to pour fresh energy into the presentation of the masterpieces of antiquity? How to attract visitors, especially children, to the perception of traditional works of ancient art.
I hope the characters work "Break the rules." help to look at museum exhibits with a fresh eye, just as children do in shop windows.

"Breaking the Rules" is a series of works for the exhibition "The Past Continues", at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum.
Johnson mastered many applied techniques: ceramics, metalworking, woodcarving. But clay remains the unchanged love and material of choice.
Sixty-year-old master, works 8-9 hours daily.
Little is known about the artist himself. It is interesting that the master is active not only in the real world, but also in the online space. Johnson maintains a creative blog in which he comments on the ideas of his works, shows the stages of their creation.
“Before becoming a sculptor, I worked for the Hong Kong Police Force for 13 years. For most of this time, I only saw the dark side of the city and people's lives. The most difficult impressions from fatal situations have left their mark on my attitude forever.
In a difficult period of my life, in 1991, I began to master ceramics. The clay seemed so friendly to me. She listened to my every thought and sagged under her arms exactly as I expected. Every touch was soothing. I found peace and joy in this material. I fell in love with the sculpting process.

What am I doing here?
Today I can say with confidence that the police service has played an important role in my work. Now I see many things differently. "
"Who did this?…"

Who did this?
Johnson Tsang addresses the audience with satirical overtones. Perhaps these are the military, seeking to unleash hostilities. Despite this, no one is willing to take responsibility. It's easier to pretend to be innocent babies.
Or maybe these are children who do not know the difference between "good" and "bad", in their cruel games, unable to stop in time.
Capricious faces express irreconcilable resentment. Everyone considers himself innocent and blames the person sitting next to him.
Tsang shows the absurdity of military action and, inherent in many people, the desire to shift responsibility to others.
Johnson Tsang's works are very popular all over the world.
Each master's work is excellent in technique and filled with subtle meaning.

Talk to me 1.

Talk to me 2.

Get away!
With his works, the artist reminds us of the most important thing. In a playful manner, paying attention to the nuances, the author tells the audience about human imperfection, sincerity, good and evil.

The source is within you.
Photos are taken from open sources on the Internet.
With love and respect, Tatiana Kalinina
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