Master Class. Wabi-sabi doll chair.

In this video I will tell you how to make a chair for a doll, up to 30 cm high
What is "Wabi-sabi" and why did I decide to call this Master Class that way?
The Japanese associate these concepts with simplicity and silence, and interpret them as unassuming, modest beauty.
For the frame of the chair, we need cardboard, 2 mm thick
- We cut out a sufficient number of parts according to the template for further gluing. I have 10 side pieces and 5 bottoms.
- We cut out parts for the inner and outer sides of the back of the chair and glue the blanks with PVA glue
- We cut out the details of the chair from the fabric: two inner parts and two sidewalls. Leave seam allowances only on external parts.
- On the back, taking into account the tie with buttons, we leave a larger fabric allowance.
- For the end part of the sidewalls, we cut out two strips, 23 cm long and 2 cm wide
- We draw and cut out the part for the seat
- Glue the end allowances on the seams of the chair parts with polyurethane glue

Chair details

Chair side upholstery and cushion
We decorate the front of the back of the chair, bend, giving the desired shape
- With putty or PVA glue, we remove the unevenness of the ends of the cardboard parts
- When pasting the front of the back, to add volume, we need foam rubber or synthetic winterizer.
- We paint the legs and the bottom of the chair with acrylic paint, fix with varnish.
To tie the backrest, I use a strong thread of the appropriate color and beads.
- We glue the side parts of the chair
- The next step is to connect the three parts of the chair using PVA glue
- We glue the front of the back
We make a seat cushion and mount the back of the back.
The Wabi-sabi chair is ready !!!
Enjoy your creativity!
Yours faithfully, Yulia Gapunik
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