• simon-and-halbig-dolls-thedailydollnews-2024-1-2

    Simon and Halbig – известная фабрика, которая специализировалась на выпуске кукольных голов, рук и ног. Несмотря на то, что они не производили тела для кукол, их продукция всегда привлекала внимание коллекционеров антикварных кукол. История Simon and Halbig началась в 1839 году, когда они стали семейным предприятием. В 1869 году фабрика начала выпускать кукольные головы из ...
  • dutch-doll-peg-dailydollnews-2024-1-2

    Голландские куклы, или деревянные куклы Peg, берут свое начало в Южном Тироле, в живописных Альпах. Эти простые куклы, выточенные на токарном станке из местной кедровой сосны, появились в эпоху Борокко, когда спрос на рождественские вертепы резко возрос. Куклы имели простую конструкцию и гладкую поверхность, которая идеально подходила для росписи. Голландские куклы могли быть как простыми, ...
  • kaethe-kruse-dolls-dailydollnews-2023-1-2

    In the early twentieth century, a new doll appeared in Germany that revolutionised the world of toys. Its creator, Kaethe Kruse, was a talented actress, but after the birth of her daughter Maria, she decided to leave the stage and devote herself to her family. One day, three-year-old Maria asked her father, the famous sculptor Max Kruse, for a doll that would look like her newborn sister Sofia. Max ...
  • nun-dolls-1-2

    In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, sisters of various French convents began dressing dolls in religious costumes. However, a nun doll from an earlier period is available at antique auctions, which offer examples in religious garb from the mid and even early 18th century.Catholic communities in major cities sent specially purchased inexpensive dolls to remote convents with instructions and ...
  • schoenhut-dolls-1-2

    Schoenhut dolls were wooden dolls produced by the Schoenhut Piano Company between 1903 and 1935. The company, founded by master woodworker Albert Schoenhut, originally made toy pianos. They began producing figurines in the early 1900s, including wooden circus sets and animals. In 1911, the company introduced the Schoenhut Art Doll, a spring-loaded doll made entirely of ...
  • pet-name-dolls-1-2

    The dolls, which were produced exclusively for the American market, they are called "Pet Name - dolls". This name, courtesy of Dorothy and Helen Coleman, was first introduced in 1885. At least 12 names of these dolls are known: Agnes, Bertha, Daisy, Dorothy, Edith, Ethel, Florence, Helen, Mabel, Marian, Pauline and Ruth. The doll's name was written in gold paint ...
  • guignol puppet theater 1

    At the beginning of the XIX century in the French glove theatre there appeared a hero who not only shared the fame of Polichinel, but perhaps even surpassed it. The name of this hero - Guignol. His creator was a Lyon weaver Laurent Murguet. Murguet was born in 1769, as a teenager he started working at one of the famous Lyon silk-spinning factories. During the Great French Revolution, all the factories closed, ...
  • history appearance history kewpie 1

    The kewpies first appeared in the periodical Ladies Home Journal. It was a story in verse that happened to mischievous kewpies on Christmas Day in a town called Kewpwill. In one of the houses, the kewpies shuffled all the presents under the tree, resulting in the grandmother getting toy guns for the holiday and the children getting adult dictionaries. The kewpies took the remaining presents to the poor girl. Rose ...