• luneville-embroidery-thedailydollnews-2024-1-2

    Люневильская вышивка – это утонченная техника, своими корнями уходящая в XVII век. Зародившись в городе Люневиль во Франции, бывшей резиденции герцогов Лотарингии, она обрела свое название в честь места своего рождения. Под меценатством герцогского двора в Люневиле собрались талантливые вышивальщицы, которые создавали изысканные шедевры, прославляя город своей тонкой работой. Эта техника приобрела особый статус, став ...
  • expocreativ-luxembourg-2024-dailydollnews-1-2

    Погрузитесь в мир творчества на ExpoCreativ Luxembourg!  На три дня в Люксембурге будет царить атмосфера творчества и вдохновения – с 26 по 28 января 2024 года здесь пройдет знаковое событие для всех любителей рукоделия и креативных увлечений – 10-я выставка ExpoCreativ Luxembourg. Это уникальная площадка соберет лучших мастеров и производителей товаров для хобби и творчества, ...
  • boro and sashiko 1

    Sashiko is a traditional Japanese embroidery stitch, usually done with white thread on dark blue fabric. The embroidery process creates repeating (rhyming) patterns, which is the basis of this style. Sashiko in Japanese translates as 'piercing', a way of expressing the essence of this simple but beautiful embroidery. Boro, or Japanese patchwork, is the new trend ...
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    "The needle is my tool, the thread is my medium and the stitches are my marks..." - writes the American textile artist Salley Mavor about her work. Salley Mavor works mainly with felt. With this material she creates an entire miniature world, wonderfully combining stunning felt embroidery, natural materials such as tree bark, twigs, shells, and elements ...
  • embroidery yumi okita

    Yumi Okita's original collection of insects is stunningly realistic. The textile sculptures are so lifelike and one of the butterflies seems to flap its wing and fly away. Using fabrics, fur and embroidery in her work, the artist has managed to capture the colours of nature, the variety of living forms and textures. Yumi Okita's three-dimensional embroideries are stunning, devoid of exaggeration or imitation. It is an author's view ...
  • Meet Youmeng Lius amazing edible embroidery 61653eae1be8f 01

    Embroidery is an ancient art, but artists of our time are creating their own unique techniques. British embroidery artist Youmeng Liu is pushing the boundaries of her craft by creating her own 3D embroidery technique. She uses a special needle to push a coloured thread through a fabric base to create a three-dimensional textile ingredient. She then uses scissors to outline the mouthwatering shapes of the embroidered dish. В ...