• top-100-daily-doll-thedailydollnews-02-01

    Every time, after the publication of TOP 100 DailyDoll, the editorial mail is flooded. We tried to make a list of the most frequent questions. - Is this a contest? No. It's not a contest. TOP 100 DailyDoll is an independent annual ranking of the most colourful dolls in the world. - How can I participate in this project? To participate in the TOP 100 ...
  • top-100-daily-doll-2023-thedailydollnews-1-01-01-2

    Dear friends, a few words from the editorial team before you start looking at the TOP 100 DailyDoll 2023. This year we dedicate it to the memory of Lisa Lichtenfels, who left us last year. Her work opens the list of the most striking works, according to the magazine. TOP 100 DailyDoll is not just a list of the best dolls of the year, it is a tribute to ...
  • porcelain dolls sylvia weser 1 01

    Artist, doll maker Sylvia Weser was born and lived in Germany. Her dolls have many awards - the best doll in Europe, awards in several Eurodoll nominations. Even in her youth she was interested in art and took up painting and sculpture. Her love for dolls started with collecting. When Sylvia made her first clay and plasticine dolls she realised that ...
  • peggy abrams christmas souvenir toys 1

    New Year's souvenir toys created according to the traditional patterns of folk crafts are recognised as the World Heritage of Humanity by the international organisation UNESCO. These days in many cities of the world New Year and Christmas fairs open, where you can see figures for the creche, Santa Claus in the national dress of the country and region of origin, as well as sweet gingerbread, candy and ... kind smiles of passers-by. In recent ...
  • bebeestrella1 1

    María de Jesús Rodríguez Flores is a member of the professional union of authors of art dolls UNIDIA. The work is made in a single copy. Technique and materials : polymer clay, antique brass van. 7 cm I share with you this little Christmas baby.  
  • exhibition the art of dolls 1

    XIII Moscow International Exhibition ART OF THE PUPPET 9-11 December 2022 Gostiny Dvor, 4 Ilyinka Str. The exhibition is organized by the Cultural Foundation "WORLD CUPPETS" Website: artkukly.rf The universe of archaic and the archaic meta-universe. The exhibition of 2022 will go down in history as an event of a planetary scale - the demonstration to the general public of the world's first neural network puppets! Why is this presentation unique and super-sensational? We are all ...
  • dolls julien martinez 1

    Julien Martinez is a contemporary French artist, a graduate of the Bordeaux School of Fine Arts, specialising in sculpture, miniature, design and incarnation of Blythe, Pullip, Dal, Toffee, BJD and antique dolls. The Bordeaux-born artist has a knack for creating melancholy characters with red eyes, disheveled hair and decadent clothing; blending aristocratic and country life in 19th century France to reflect the loneliness of human ...
  • Author's dolls Lesley Gail Keeble

    Lesley Gail Keeble works with self-hardening clay and paper papier-mâché, while textiles play a major role in the creation of her dolls. Her dolls are far from the academic norms of plastic anatomy, but the more lively and welcoming they are to the viewer. The creator goes forward without looking back, he ignores the opinion of critics and vain "philosophers", putting above all the process of creation and immersion ...
  • original dolls kate church 1

    Kate Church graduated from the American Institute of Puppet Artists with a Bachelor of Fine Arts. Kate describes her work as sculptural-puppetry, and this is particularly evident in the series of pieces she created for Cirque du Soleil, which have sold worldwide. The delicate and delicate work with textiles deserves special attention. How easily and effortlessly the author plays with paper and cotton thread, ...
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    Irina Cherepanova, a talented master and creator of the "Kingdom of White Nights and Lingonberry Fields", is a guest of The Daily Doll. Irina travels the world with her works and decorates many international exhibitions and festivals of author's dolls. Her dolls are amazing! Magic characters immerse us in a fairy-tale world, where each character has its own story. Today Irina will tell us ...