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    Spring is a time of awakening to life, nature and the senses. Birds fly in, flowers bloom. The whole world is filled with sounds, smells and sunshine. To this awakening of nature and the bright festival of Easter is dedicated an exhibition "Voices of Spring", which opened in the city of Pskov on April 14, 2022. The main participants of the exposition: Creative studio "Pskov Puppet House" which unites more than 15 artists and masters - puppeteers, existing in ...
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    At the end of March, the ArtPRO Youth Art Gallery in St. Petersburg opened an exhibition called "Starlings under a cloud". The exhibition presents the works of two authors Darina Prohoruk-Smirnova (St. Petersburg) and Maria Razumovskaya (Pskov). Darina is engaged in painting on wood. The objects of her creativity are old wooden things. Chairs, window frames, crèches and sleds, in the hands of the young artist, open up...
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    The exhibition of designer dolls and teddy bears "History of Fashion", held in the Art Gallery in Kazan on February 17-21, 2022, became a landmark event for residents and visitors to the city. The large number of exhibitors and visitors to the exhibition reflected this. The exhibition is a clear example of the living connection between the authors and their admirers, proof of the growing interest in the art of puppetry among lovers and ...
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    The building of the Decembrists' Museum is a federal heritage site, an architectural monument of the late 18th century. The Decembrist M.M. Naryshkin and his family lived in this house from 1833 to 1837. Mikhail Naryshkin, a colonel of Tarutinsky Infantry Regiment, belonged to a noble and wealthy family. After the suppression of the uprising on Senate Square he was sentenced to hard labour, and in March ...
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    The Union of Cultures Creative Association, with the support of the V.V. Mayakovsky Centre for Art and Music of the Central State Pedagogical Library, presents the Christmas exhibition "Reflection of a Star" as part of the Festival "Christmas Mystery". As part of the Christmas Mystery Festival, the Union of Cultures Creative Association presents the Christmas exhibition Reflections of the Star. The Star of Bethlehem, symbol of the birth of Christ, faith and hope in the miracle of Christmas, lives in the soul of every person. The reflection of this light can be seen in a child's humble drawing and in the work of a mature artist.
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     This year on the 20th of October Varvara Skripkina's Doll's Gallery turned 18 years old! The date is special - it's our 18th birthday :)! In 2003 - the first and still permanent Gallery in the city ! Always be nice to everyone! It might be a disguised angel! I understood the meaning of this phrase in 2003 when I opened the first and only art gallery of ...
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    The first exhibition was held in a small workshop ... My name is Katya Shemyakina, I am an artist and curator of the art project "Too Personal" - these are one-day, two-day, and now online exhibitions, of various artists, in chamber live communication, with the audience and with each other, about current works, about life and about art. This format is very important and necessary, as artists, ...
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    Personal exhibition of Elena Babkina "GOGOL TYPES" On May 13, in Ryazan, in the MUSEUM OF THE HISTORY OF YOUTH MOVEMENT, an exhibition of doll sculpture "GOGOL TYPES", created based on illustrations by Pyotr Mikhailovich Boklevsky, was opened. The exposition is timed to coincide with the 205th anniversary of the birthday of the illustrator who lived in the Ryazan province in 1816-1897. We recall with pleasure the work of a worthy citizen of our homeland, who has done so much for ...
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    "I have set the craft as the foot of art..." A.S. Pushkin. "Mozart and Salieri" Dear friends! In Herzliya, in the Arena Canyon exhibition hall, there is an amazing and unique "Art and Craft" exhibition. How is it remarkable? The fact that it has opened right now, in spite of the rockets and sirens. People are here - lots of them! And they're enjoying themselves, smiling, enjoying themselves, thanking themselves!
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           A small master class on making miniature poppies from cold porcelain by Marina Mayorova. Marina is one of the creators of the project "Letters from Lancre". You will be able to see the project in its entirety at the exhibition "The Art of the Doll" in the Living Room in December 2021. Marina Mayorova says: "In working on our project # Letters from Lancre, I was given the task of ....