• exhibition the art of dolls 1

    XIII Moscow International Exhibition ART OF THE PUPPET 9-11 December 2022 Gostiny Dvor, 4 Ilyinka Str. The exhibition is organized by the Cultural Foundation "WORLD CUPPETS" Website: artkukly.rf The universe of archaic and the archaic meta-universe. The exhibition of 2022 will go down in history as an event of a planetary scale - the demonstration to the general public of the world's first neural network puppets! Why is this presentation unique and super-sensational? We are all ...
  • Author's dolls Lesley Gail Keeble

    Lesley Gail Keeble works with self-hardening clay and paper papier-mâché, while textiles play a major role in the creation of her dolls. Her dolls are far from the academic norms of plastic anatomy, but the more lively and welcoming they are to the viewer. The creator goes forward without looking back, he ignores the opinion of critics and vain "philosophers", putting above all the process of creation and immersion ...
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    Irina Cherepanova, a talented master and creator of the "Kingdom of White Nights and Lingonberry Fields", is a guest of The Daily Doll. Irina travels the world with her works and decorates many international exhibitions and festivals of author's dolls. Her dolls are amazing! Magic characters immerse us in a fairy-tale world, where each character has its own story. Today Irina will tell us ...
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    Where did the concept and what is an arty doll come from? They were created in artels at the beginning of the twentieth century. Today, it is the common name used by craftsmen who recreate such beauties. An arty doll is not a maiden from the mantle and certainly not a Barbie. It is our history, captured by the doll artists of the 1920s. A huge, amazing variety of types and some special, peculiarly Russian ...
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    Personal exhibition of Elena Babkina "GOGOL TYPES" On May 13, in Ryazan, in the MUSEUM OF THE HISTORY OF YOUTH MOVEMENT, an exhibition of doll sculpture "GOGOL TYPES", created based on illustrations by Pyotr Mikhailovich Boklevsky, was opened. The exposition is timed to coincide with the 205th anniversary of the birthday of the illustrator who lived in the Ryazan province in 1816-1897. We recall with pleasure the work of a worthy citizen of our homeland, who has done so much for ...
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    "My works are very personal, I immerse myself in my fantasies." Continuing to talk about the work of unique masters, from the article "Alternative dolls", I want to introduce you to the artist from America Dustin Poche (Dustin Poche '). Creating original images, the author is not like anyone else. Dustin received his art education at the Colorado Institute of the Arts, Denver, Russell, Kansas, USA. At first ...
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    Бывает ли желание сделать неидеальную куклу? Начнем с определения.  Идеал — от греческого, вид, образ, идея; высшая цель деятельности, стремлений; совершенное воплощение чего-либо. Когда художник приступает к созданию куклы, у него есть образ того, что он хочет получить в результате. Даже если этот образ неосознанный. Тут стоит уточнить: художник  делает по собственному замыслу и желанию. ...
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    The largest doll exhibition in the world. The largest exhibition in the world was held in the historical center of the Russian capital "Gostiny Dvor". More than 1000 masters from 26 countries of the world took part in the unique exhibition "The Art of Dolls". Visitors are presented with tens of thousands of exhibits. Guests of the exhibition saw the whole variety of dolls: classics, experimental collections of contemporary artists, porcelain, soft, articulated dolls. Toys ...
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    A new project. How we long for sunshine, warmth, beauty, love and delight in works of art! Many of you have probably already repeated this phrase many times in different interpretations and forms. Yes, we miss the wonderful positive emotions. And that's why the Doll Section of the Creative Union of Decorative and Applied Arts presents its new project "Bella Italia"! The project will be shown ...
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    How to prepare for an exhibition - from idea to design (experience of a project participant). Choice of theme. Exhibitions, especially professional exhibitions, are very important for an artist. It is at the exhibitions that there is an opportunity to get acquainted with the work of the artist, communicate with the author himself and, of course, purchase the works you like from the author directly. Almost all puppeteers exhibit at exhibitions, regularly or not. I'll tell you ...