Goosebumps from Gaudir
Less than a month to go until the end of another season of the international Gaudir puppet competition.
Although this is only the fourth time the Gaudir has taken place, it is rightly regarded as one of the most difficult and therefore most coveted. Winning the Gaudir statuette is incredibly prestigious. The contest system is designed so that weak work cannot win it. So if you have at least one Gaudir, you really have something to be proud of.
So, what is the secret of this competition?
1.Only professionals are invited to sit on the jury. You can rest assured that your work will be judged by people who know it very well.
2. Each entry must score a certain number of points in order to be entered into the category. If there is no entry in any of the categories with enough points, no prize will be awarded in that category.
3. the high level of skill of the participants. This is a competition in which even the most highly qualified artist is not embarrassed to take part.
Winning amongst weak entries is not something to be proud of. Don't you agree?! Fortunately, this is not about Gaudir.
4. The organisation of the competition is excellent. Every year we try to make it even better, all the time raising our own bar. Sometimes it feels like we are competing against ourselves.
We also make sure to shoot a spectacular final video, as we like to make our projects beautiful.
5. The statuette is always made by a different artist. This year it's the charming Natalia Krutova. We are all in love with her hummingbird flower.
This year's competition has undergone some changes to the rules.
Voting will now be anonymous. Neither the jury nor the audience will know the names of the contestants until the winners are announced. We do not doubt the objectivity of our jury, but we do not want anyone to be able to even suspect otherwise.
As before, there are still prizes from sponsors, but the People's Choice Award is abolished.
The theme is goosebumps. Not those goosebumps that are insects 🙂 but the ones that run down our skin when we see something delightful.
- Movement.
- Expressiveness.
- Suit.
- Identity.
- Composition.
Jury: Sculptor, founder of the SculptArt school of sculpture and anatomy Alexander Spiridonov, puppeteer artists; Tatiana Baeva, Ima Naroditskaya, Anki Daanen and Natalia Pobedina.
The competition is open to artists of any countries of the world!
Works will be accepted until 20 June inclusive.
More details on the website
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