• lopusova tomskaya polunochnaya rosa 2 full

    Today we will talk about the art doll master Natalia Lopusova-Tomskaya. Seeing the artist's works, you are amazed at the elegance and impeccability of their execution. An inexperienced viewer will not immediately determine what material they are made of: porcelain, wood, bone? Natalia's works amaze with the harmony of elongated proportions, smoothly curving, "flowing" lines. The future artist was born and raised in Moscow. Back at school, I was carried away by the creation of dolls ...
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    In this video I will tell you how to make a miniature fish with your own hands using simple and affordable materials. Required materials and tools: Ball of deodorant Foil Wire for the eyelet Napkins Toothpicks Acrylic paints PVA glue (polyvinyl acetate) Glue Moment Thermal gun Awl Scissors Pencil simple Brushes The first step is to take the ball out of the deodorant and wash it with soap. Foil ...
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    Karen Baker was born in California, Redondo Beach. Her parents, very talented people, raised seven children. Mom is a wonderful artist, seamstress and musician, my father was a master carpenter and played great musical instruments. Living in a large, friendly family, Karen received toys, mainly by "inheritance", hence the desire to remodel and improve them with her own hands. Karen loved to sew clothes, ...
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    Wooden ball-shaped hinges for doll production were invented in France. Large German trading houses, which had their own branches in Paris, followed the appearance of new dolls. They bought and studied interesting specimens, especially in terms of production costs. Quite often, after a few weeks, a similar doll went on sale, at a much lower cost than the original. Adolf Wieslizenus, a manufacturer from Waltershausen ...
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    This percussion instrument, although a toy, but sounds. I used natural leather as a membrane. For work we need: -small jar of chips; - medium density cardboard, a piece of white leather or a substitute; - glue "Moment-crystal", 2 beads, 2 wooden skewers; -scissors, measuring tape, pencil; -acrylic and oil paints, brush, foam sponge; - awl, matte varnish, nippers; -thin satin ...
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    Today, the artist of play dolls Igor Khilov talks about the characters of his characters “When you pick up a cartoon doll that you just saw alive on the screen, feeling the resistance of the hinges, you understand that this art has something special. The stereotype of childhood, when we loved only drawn characters, is being destroyed: puppet cartoons can be amazingly beautiful and interesting. " Historical ...
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    In this video I will show you the process of painting doll parts and creating the craquelure effect. Before starting painting, to give a smooth surface, I grind the details of the doll. Then I cover it with a spray varnish. After the varnish has dried, we can start painting. For the first layer of tinting, I use dry pastels. Fix the tinting layer with varnish. In the second stage, I apply with acrylic paints (whites of the eyes, lips, iris of the eye, ...
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    September 2021 marks 204 years since the birth of Izannah Walker. Surely the master could not even imagine that in 160 years, somewhere in distant Russia, they would love, appreciate and try to repeat her dolls. It is unlikely that she thought that her heroines would live such a long life, go through the centuries and be desired and ...
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    Reflections on custom work, cost and role of dolls in art. "If the dolls disappear, no one will notice." That is how I called my publication, which caused a discussion and great resonance. This phrase was said by one person who wanted to order a portrait doll, but was not ready to pay the stated price for it. By the way, the price is quite democratic. After a long and ...
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     This year, October 20, PUPPET GALLERY Varvara Skripkina turned 18! The date is special - coming of age :)! In 2003 - the first and still permanent Gallery in the city! Always be nice to everyone! Suddenly it's an angel in disguise! I understood the meaning of this phrase when in 2003 I opened the first and only art gallery of author's ...