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    In St. Petersburg, in the ArtPro art gallery of the Youth Centre of the Kalininsky District (16 Nepokoronenny Ave.), an exhibition of works by puppet artists Roman Shustrov and Maria Kasyanenko "Time of Angels" opened. In the usual sense, a museum is about the past, about preserving memory. When we created the Museum of St. Petersburg Angels in the memorial apartment-workshop of Roman Shustrov, the author of the famous St. Petersburg angel- old man, and his wife Maria ...
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    Today we present a marvellous master who creates vivid images that do not leave indifferent, Julia Weller and her work "Sahara". "Up to the horizon there are only oceans of sands, Thin mareva is torn by the silk of other worlds, On the slippery trail of the cobra from the barchan and on the barchan - The desert keeps silence of thousand-year wounds..." Franz Wertfollen Julia says: As a child, I didn't sew dresses for my dolls, ...
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    Spring is a time of awakening of life, nature and feelings. Birds arrive, flowers bloom. The whole world is filled with sounds, smells and sunshine. The exhibition "Spring Voices", which opened in the city of Pskov on 14 April 2022, is dedicated to this awakening of nature and the bright Easter holiday. The main participants of the exposition: Creative studio "Pskov Puppet House", uniting more than 15 artists and masters - puppeteers, existing ...
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    In this masterclass, you will learn how to create a decorative textile fan for a doll with your own hands. Enjoy your creativity! Material was prepared by Anastasia Golenieva  
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    Today, gloves are a familiar element of our wardrobe. Few people know that this accessory has been around for around 4,000 years and can still support non-verbal conversation between people. Legend: While walking along the seashore, the goddess Venus cut her finger on the edge of a seashell. The nymphs bandaged the wound and, just in case, also the goddess's hands with linen ribbons. This is how the first ...
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    In this video I will tell you how to create a beautiful Easter egg by yourself. Materials and tools: egg blank lace napkin for decoupage threads knitting paint acrylic glue "PVA" glue "Moment" brush pencil sponge Enjoy your work! Material prepared by Tiunova Alexandra  
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    The Children's Library of History and Culture of St. Petersburg opened an exhibition of book illustrations and author's dolls by Olga Popugaeva and Dmitry Nepomnyashchy. The exhibition presents works from the trilogy of books by Jan Brzehwa, dedicated to the adventures of Pan Klyaksa, a world-famous scientist, inventor and magician. The trilogy: "Pan Kleaksa's Academy", "Pan Kleaksa's Journey", "Pan Kleaksa's Triumph" are illustrated by Olga Popugaeva and Dmitry Nepomnyashchy. В ...
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    «Великий шёлковый путь» вошёл в историческую науку в конце XIX века. Это понятие обозначает систему древних караванных торговых путей, связывавших страны Запада и Востока. Великий шёлковый путь – самый длинный торговый путь когда-либо существовавший в мире. Его протяжённость составляла 12 800 км. Торговый путь просуществовал более семнадцати веков и связывал народы крупнейших цивилизаций того времени ...
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    In this workshop you will learn how to create a textile brooch with your own hands. Have fun creating it! Material prepared by Anastasia Golenieva    
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    A family's passion is passed on from the older to the younger generation. This is not the case in the Loginov family. Anna was shown the dolls on the Internet and then at an exhibition by her daughter. Acquaintance with the art of art dolls changed Anna's mind. Soon she started trying things out on her own, finding and learning from experienced masters, choosing her own direction. Anna Loginova creates static art dolls.