• миры обложка

    In Izhevsk (Russia) an exhibition of designer dolls called "Other Worlds" was opened. The project is presented by the exhibition centre "Galereya" The exhibition includes more than 70 works made in different techniques: polymer clay, porcelain, papier-mache, wire and textile. The exhibition features dolls made by artists from Udmurtia, Moscow, Perm and Yekaterinburg as well as works made by young authors. The author's doll exhibition takes place in the "Gallery" ...
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    Exhibition of author textile dolls, art textile and felt in St. Petersburg (24 June - 3 July 2022). An exhibition of author dolls, art textiles and felting has opened in St Petersburg, at the Centre for Books and Graphics Gallery. In two halls of the exposition are the works of doll artists from different cities of Russia, near and far abroad. The exhibition brought together over 120 works by 45 authors from ...
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    On 18 June in Moscow, Amber Plaza, Krasnoproletarskaya Street, d. 36, took place Russia's largest BJD-Con, an annual exhibition-festival dedicated to BJD and other articulated dolls - Dollscar This is the main event of the year for all lovers of articulated dolls! There are creative competitions, a huge trade zone, Russian and foreign participants, and most importantly - continuous communication with like-minded people. ...
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    The 16th Kurashiki Hina Exhibition of Art Dolls (Bikan District, Okayama Prefecture) has opened in Kurashiki, Japan. The exhibition features 53 Japanese and international artists 、 Three halls in the main building are home to dolls made by Japanese and foreign artists using various techniques such as articulated, textile, static and moving dolls. The works are made of different materials: polymer clay, textiles, ...
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    In the last days of spring, the main exhibition of designer dolls and teddy bears presents new collections by Russian masters. The famous art balloon will once again gather the best artists who will present a new project called "A Night in the Garden or a collection of unhurried reflections". "Night in the Garden" brings together several visual stories flowing from one to the other, stories within stories. Project "Barbie - Two Lives" Specially ...
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    Opening of the XX annual exhibition of professional doll artists DollArt.ru-2022 On May 17, 2022 the exhibition "Threads of Time" of the Art Doll Section of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, DOLLART experimental creative studio of the Russian Academy of Arts, with the support of the Section of Art Design MSH and Elena Gromova Gallery opened in the halls of the Moscow Union of Artists. The year 2022 marks the 20th anniversary of the creative association ...
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    The Tver Regional House of Folk Art opened an exhibition of author's dolls and paintings. "About Painting and Puppet Dreams" - this is the figurative and poetic name of the exposition of works by artists and puppet masters, which united the creative experiment of fine and object arts. The audience is presented the works of the artist Dmitry Azarov, who paints amazing paintings full of metaphors and allegorical meaning, and the union of artists-puppeteers ...
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    22 April, in the National Museum of Kalmykia named after N.N. Palmov in Elista. The exhibition of author's dolls of Ossetia "Dolls and People" opened in Elista. The organiser from Kalmykia was Ludmila Moshuldaeva (Erdnieva), art director of the Gallery of artists and masters of folk arts and crafts; from Ossetia - a member of the Union of Artists of Russia, puppet artist Dziova Zemfira. This is the first exhibition of author's dolls in Kalmykia, recognised to introduce the inhabitants of ...
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    In St. Petersburg, in the ArtPro art gallery of the Youth Centre of the Kalininsky District (16 Nepokoronenny Ave.), an exhibition of works by puppet artists Roman Shustrov and Maria Kasyanenko "Time of Angels" opened. In the usual sense, a museum is about the past, about preserving memory. When we created the Museum of St. Petersburg Angels in the memorial apartment-workshop of Roman Shustrov, the author of the famous St. Petersburg angel- old man, and his wife Maria ...
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    Spring is a time of awakening of life, nature and feelings. Birds arrive, flowers bloom. The whole world is filled with sounds, smells and sunshine. The exhibition "Spring Voices", which opened in the city of Pskov on 14 April 2022, is dedicated to this awakening of nature and the bright Easter holiday. The main participants of the exposition: Creative studio "Pskov Puppet House", uniting more than 15 artists and masters - puppeteers, existing ...